Flu News Network
I never thought I'd leave Wordpress. I really liked the place, but as FNN on wordpress has grown in readership, I have really wanted to add more information for folks to use and I want folks to contribute their prepardness tips and ideas.

I'm still adding, and subtracting to the site, tweeking it will take sometime so bear with me. If you see something one day but not the next, just know ole cottontop is rearranging the furniture. ;-)

I'd really love to hear from you folks, so please stop by the FNN forum and give me a holler. Leave some tips or a resource that you think others could use. FNN will be built around the readers. Let me know what your thinking about the current flu situation, how you thought it has been handled, and could we really make it through a severe pandemic. What do you advise for emergency prepardness? 2 weeks, 2 months, 3 months? Have you given up on people in trying to get them to have emergency supplies? I know I have.

And so FNN begins a new journey..........

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